Tuesday, March 10, 2009

where am i?

so i haven't posted here in a long while...i've been putting my time in here
stop by and say hi.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is this?

So I spend a better part of my life being a strength and conditioning coach utilizing CrossFit. As I've gotten immersed in human performance and the functionality of becoming fit, I've become obsessed with nutrition. The changes I've seen in my clients and my colleagues clients that have shocked the medical community. (More and more everyday!) Diabetics not needing insulin, people suffering from celiac overcoming it, infertility issues reversing themselves, and overall better wellness. These changes have been from diet. You add in funtional fitness (CrossFit) as the icing on the cake, and the sky's the limit.
I hope to share some of these stories here and help other people experience the same changes. Please post questions, comments and the like and I will do my best at responding. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I have access to a growing community of experts spearheading this movement.

**Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I want to be. All information is to be used at your own risk. When it starts to work tell others. Your doctor will be shocked that you don't need their medication any more, and that the changes are from diet and exercise. Go figure...**

Feb 18 2009

11:00 3 eggs, 2 turkey sausage patties cooked in olive oil, orange, 2 handfuls from fat box, coffee with heavy cream and sugar free vanilla creamer
14:30 4 oz brisket (most fat trimmed), apple, 2 handfuls from fat box, diet pepsi.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb 17 2009

10:00 1 egg and 4oz RB cooked in olive oil. 2 cups of coffee with heavy cream and sugar free vanilla cream. fish oil
13:30 4 oz RB, apple with almond butter, fish oil 1/2 cup coffee with heavy cream
16:20 3oz brisket and two handfuls from fat box
20:00 spaggetti squash with lean beef and marinara. 2 handfuls from the fat box, and 2 tbl spoons of PB fish oil.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16 2009

Today starts the 21 day challenge. more to come when i have time to set this thing up.

10:00 3 eggs, and 2 turkey sausage patties cooked in olive oil. 1 orange, coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer and heavy whipping cream. teaspoon fish oil

12:40 5 oz roast beef, apple, 2 hand fulls from fat box (walnut, pecan, mac nut mix) teaspoon fish oil

20:00 ny strip steak, 3 handfuls from fat box, small dinner salad with olive oil and vinegar. fish oil 3 diet 7-up

PR i rep snatch 175# then Freddies Revenge 13:09 (2 min slower than last, but only WOD last time)